I think that the big four firms need to step up and offer a solution. 我认为四大需要主动提出解决办法。
The big four firms would audit each other in a system of self-regulation. 四大遵循自我规范机制开展相互审计。
Based on filings in the big four cases, it appeared that the SEC had given up on cooperation with China. 与四大会计师事务所诉讼案有关的文件显示,SEC似乎已经放弃了和中方合作的念头。
They view Tesla as having the potential to turn the Detroit Three and create the big four. 他们认为Tesla有望挑战底特律汽车三巨头并一跃成为第四巨头。
The big four have dutifully emphasised their efforts to support the new economic priorities. 四大行则尽职尽责地加强努力,支持新的经济优先事项。
The Big Four auditors appear to thrive no matter what they do. 而四大会计师事务所的审计师们则似乎总是能够兴旺发达,不管他们做得怎样。
Having initially welcomed the big four as mentors and a source of credibility, there are signs that China now wants to match them. 经历了最初对四大会计师事务所的欢迎,并将它们作为导师和信誉来源之后,目前已有迹象显示,中国开始希望能与它们相媲美。
Sharply rising NPLs could erode already thin capital bases, especially outside the big four lenders. 急剧上升的不良贷款,有可能侵蚀本已薄弱的资本基础,尤其是“四大”以外的银行。
Other stores struggle to compete with the big four retailers. 其他商店努力与4大零售商进行竞争。
ICBC will be the third of China's big four commercial banks to list in Hong Kong. 在四大国有商业银行中,中国工商银行将是第三位在香港发行的银行。
Regulators and investors in the UK stirred an international debate on the big four amid concern that their stranglehold was having a pernicious effect on choice and quality in the audit market, and creating significant risks to financial stability. 英国的监管机构和投资者激起了一场关于四大会计公司的国际性辩论。人们担心,四大会计公司的势力对审计市场的选择和质量产生了有害影响,对金融稳定造成了巨大风险。
Big Four lawyers are going to be busy with this issue. 四大会计事务所的律师们将会因为这个问题变得非常忙碌。
The big four have said they will appeal against the SEC ruling. 四大已表示,他们将对SEC的裁定提起上诉。
The "big four" have built up a virtual monopoly in audits of the brightest Chinese companies listing in Hong Kong, London and New York. 在赴香港、伦敦和纽约上市的中国最出色的公司中,“四大”已实质上垄断了它们的审计业务。
Among the big four Australian banks Westpac ( WBK) and Commonwealth Bank Group are on this list. 而在澳洲的四大银行中,西太平洋银行和联邦银行集团联手进入榜单。
The share prices of the China Construction Bank, the Bank of China and the Industrial& Commercial Bank of China, three of the big four lenders, all rose following their overseas listings in the past 12 months. 过去12个月,中国四大国有银行中有三家赴海外上市&中国建设银行(CCB)、中国银行(BoC)和中国工商银行(ICBC),它们的股价在上市后全线上涨。
Today, the big four state banks in China are, essentially, insolvent. 今天,中国四大国有银行已经基本不具备清偿能力。
Prefer experience with the "Big Four" accounting firms. 如有“四大”会计师事务所的工作经验可优先考虑。
The big four accountancy firms undertake the audits of almost all large corporations. 四大会计师事务所承担了几乎所有大企业的审计工作。
If one of the big four collapses, so be it. 如果四大之一倒闭,就由他去吧。
The big four claim that their global scale and multidisciplinary scope are good things. 四大宣称它们在全球的规模和多学科的经营范围是一件值得称道的事。
Institutional innovation is the inexorable choice for the big four state-owned commercial banks confronted with global financial competition. 摘要制度创新是当前中国四大国有商业商业银行面对全球金融竞争的必然选择。
Vivendi owns Universal Music, one of the "big four" record labels. 维旺迪环球音乐公司之一的“四大”唱片公司。
One senior big four accountant called this suggestion "completely disproportionate". 四大会计师事务所的一位高级会计师称这一建议“完全不合理”。
EMI Group PLC is one of the big four record companies, and is the largest in the world. 百代公司是全球四大唱片公司中最大的一个。
Critics said that the Big Four had already technically been bankrupt, because of low capital adequacy. 批评人士表示,由于资本充足率过低,四大行从技术角度讲已经破产了。
I think all the big four teams are capable of going on good runs. 我想联赛四强都有能力打得很好。
We are client service oriented and committed to the quality of Big Four and other well-known international consulting firms. 我们着眼于服务客户,并致力于为客户提供与“四大”及其他知名国际咨询公司质量相媲美的专业服务。